Our Kindergarten program offers a wide variety of materials to meet and to challenge the needs of the children. Our reading program is phonics based by using a Scott-Foresman book series. Each child can use independent readers, big books, and literature books during the day. Math is taught through Silver Burdett, Ginn book, and we also utilize the Envision Math Series. It focuses on addition, subtraction, clock, money, calendar and measurements. Learning through writing and expressing ones thoughts in a log is part of our program. The class has access to computers, a printer, and the internet. Science and Social Studies units are taught throughout the year. Some of our Science Units are the Human Body, Solar System, Dinosaurs, Weather and Hibernation. Some of our Social Studies Units are International Studies, Continents, Countries, Oceans and Directions. We also incorporate Music, Spanish, and Fun Fitness into our Kindergarten Program. The class goes on field trips and has a spectacular graduation. We offer a caring and nurturing environment and we pride ourselves on individualized attention. Our children will develop wonderful self-worth.